Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alice and her Muchness

I saw Tim Burtons wonderful Alice in Wonderland yesterday and what I want to know was what movie did the crictics see?
Nearly ever review I have seen or read has been negitive, but why?
Oh I am sick of all reviewers, except of course the wonderful David and Margaret.

I love this movie. I love it's reminder to us to not let go of who we are,
as The Hatter terms it our Muchness.
I love Jonny Depps Hatter who is infact in two minds about everything.
I love the undertones of English/Scottish History.
I love the White Queen who seems to want to do bad things but, she has her vows.
I loved the red Queen, who really just needs someone to love her big head!
I loved everything.
I loved our Australian Alice, the critics said she was too insipid, did they not get the idea that Alice was finding herself again?
Did they miss the first pasrt of the movie where everyone is telling the young Alice that it was all a dream?
I loved the costumes.
I loved the sets? Are they sets when it is green screen?
Ooh I llllloooooovvveeeeddd Allen Rickman as Absolem, I can just dream of a day when that voice reads me the phone book at night to send me of to sleep!!
I love to make up what happen to so-and-so after the book or movie, so I can totally embrace this movie.
It stayed true to Alice of Old.
So many times the interprutation or trueness of a characotr is lost in the re working of a book or clssic film, but this one was WONDERFUL.

Ok just kidding but don't you think that is what Underworldian would like!?

I saw Tim Burton's wonderful Alice in Wonderland yesterday and what I want to know was what movie did the critics see?
Nearly ever review I have seen or read has been negative, but why?
Oh I am sick of all reviewers, except of course the wonderful David and Margaret.

I love this movie. I love it's reminder to us to not let go of who we are,
as The Hatter terms it our Muchness.
I love Johnny Depps Hatter who is in fact in two minds about everything.

I love the undertones of English/Scottish History.
I love the White Queen who seems to want to do bad things but, she has her vows.
I loved the red Queen, who really just needs someone to love her big head!

I loved everything.
I loved our Australian Alice, the critics said she was too insipid, did they not get the idea that Alice was finding herself again?
Did they miss the first part of the movie where everyone is telling the young Alice that it was all a dream?

I loved the costumes.
I loved the sets? Are they sets when it is green screen?

Ooh I llllloooooovvveeeeddd Allen Rickman as Absolem, I can just dream of a day when that voice reads me the phone book at night to send me of to sleep!!
I love to make up what happen to so-and-so after the book or movie, so I can totally embrace this movie.
It stayed true to Alice of Old.

So many times the interpretation or trueness of a character is lost in the re working of a book or classic film, but this one was WONDERFUL.

as a side note check out this site where Alice is called Shite the whole way through???